1. Tell me something about your test environment.
  2. Tell me various testing documents you have developed for this project.
  3. Tell me what you did under GUI test?
  4. What are the different types of testing you performed in this project?
  5. List various defects you found?
  6. How did you develop test plan document for this project?
  7. Which methodology did you use? Explain how?
  8. How did you use QC-ALM/Jira for test planning process?
  9. How did you plan performance testing of this project?
  10. What did you test under backend testing of this project?
  11. Which linux commands you applied in your project?Why?
  12. Which functional testing tool did you use to automate? What features of your project did you automate and how?
  13. Tell me about your agile project team structure?

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