Write down a common test case for REST web service
Use free RESTful web-services to get and search Countries or states: http://www.groupkt.com/post/
c9b0ccb9/restful-webservices- to-get-and-search-countries. htm -
create in SoapUI test suite for REST web-service to get a list of all Countries/states (http://services.groupkt.com/
country/get/all) with assertions “Contains”, “Not contains”, “SLA” -
create in SoapUI test suite for REST web-service to search country/state by 2 character alphanumeric ISO code (http://services.groupkt.com/
country/get/iso2code/{alpha2_ code}) with assertions “Contains”, “Not contains”, “SLA” -
Write down a common test case for SOAP web service
Use free SOAP web services by your choice Medicare http://www.webservicex.net/
medicareSupplier.wsdl or BLZcode http://www.thomas-bayer.com/axis2/services/BLZService?wsdl -
create in SoapUI test suite at least for two of requests which these services are provided with assertions “Contains”, “Not contains”.
Write groovy script to get and set variables and pass pas variable as parameter in a soap request.
Create a test case to test the load over a soap request.