• What is Maven?
  • Why we call maven as convention and configuration management system?
  • How to install maven in eclipse?
  • List partes that maven manages.
  • What are the 3 maven build lifecycle? Explain each in short
  • Explain the directory structure of Maven (inter mes of where real code, testing code, compiled code, jar file, and POM located)
  • What is POM in maven?
  • What does Artifact mean in maven?
  • What does group ID mean in maven
  • What are the things that maven use to identify your project
  • How is maven manage dependencies
  • Where are maven dependencies located? Explain
  • What is the advantage of using maven dependency
  • For what maven plugins are used for?
  • List the dependency scopes in maven, and explain
  • Which scope is the default one in maven
  • How to do dependency exclusion in maven
  • What are build phases of maven
  • Write the build and source path directory?
  • Where is compiled class files are located
  • What does the command “maven clean” do
  • What does the command “mavne site do” do
  • What does the command “maven clean package” do?
  • Where is the default local maven repository at your computer?
  • What is maven Archetype? What does “maven archetype:generate” does?
  • What is snapshot in maven?
  • What is the difference between maven snapshot and other versions?
  • When we use external repository, and how?
  • What is the big advantage of maven while using for dependency?
  • How to setup maven to deploy on any container(can be web server) after installation is done correctly?


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